5 Reasons to get an IPL Facial.

5 Reasons to get an IPL Facial.

Posted on October 1st, 2020 in General

5 Reasons to get an IPL Facial.

January is all about new beginnings and your skin deserves a fresh start!

The best way to accomplish that is with our IPL facial. The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a photo-facial treatment that can be used on the face, neck, and chest. It heats the damaged skin cells with the pulsed light to create a healing effect. An IPL facial treats sun damage, age spots, broken capillaries, brown spots, stretch marks and irregular pigmentation. The IPL reaches the deeper layers of the skin and reduces signs of aging, evens out the overall skin tone and stimulates collagen growth. Essentially, the IPL is a time machine for your skin that leaves you with the confidence to have more makeup free days.

Reason #1: Reduces signs of aging & acne

The IPL facial is able to target and reduce freckles, wrinkles, sun spots and brown spots which are all normal signs of aging. The IPL is also able to help those who suffer from severe acne by reducing the size of large pores and combating the inflammation/redness that occurs from breakouts.

Reason #2: Quick and Easy

Quick, easy and convenient. The IPL facial takes 15-30 minutes and does not require any down time after treatment which makes this appointment easy to book even with the busiest of schedules.

Reason #3: Repairs broken capillaries

The IPL is able to repair broken capillaries (blood vessels) that are typically concentrated around the nose and other areas of the face. Irregular pigmentation and redness caused by broken capillaries will be significantly reduced leaving the skin clear.

Reason #4: Long term results

Unlike most facials, the IPL facial benefits are seen and felt in the long run. Typically, it is recommended to receive 4-6 IPL treatments that are scheduled 5 weeks apart. Each visit the strength of the IPL is increased to reach and repair deeper layers of the skin.

Reason #5: Reduces redness

If you battle skin conditions such as rosacea that lead to red hues in the skin, IPL facials are considered great treatments for reducing discoloration and improving the skin’s appearance overall.


-Refrain from working out or being in direct sunlight for 24 hours after IPL

-An IPL is only for fair skinned people

-Avoid harsh products for 1-2 weeks post IPL

-You cannot receive an IPL with a fake tan

-Numbing cream is available to patients who find the IPL facial too uncomfortable

-Use a gentle moisturizer post treatment (organic Aloe Vera works great!)


Contact us! The IPL facial is a long-term investment for your skin that is worth every penny! If you still have any questions or concerns, we are here for you.

Please call us at 855-532-8633 or book an appointment at a Doctor Fatoff Location near you!

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